Faast3 Downloadable Demonstration Release Installation & Getting Started Instructions Faast-3 for PC-386 (and higher) Personal Computers, using Windows or DOS Release 3.3L, May, 1999 Page Contents ---- -------- 1 I. Installation General Instructions ... 2 II. Creating a Target Directory or Folder for Faast ... 3 III. Installing Faast ... 4 IV. Installing a Windows Icon for Faast ... 5 V. Running Faast-3 with the Demonstration Problem ... 7 VI. Understanding the Demonstration Problem ... 9 VII. Viewing and/or Printing your Faast results ... I. Installation General Instructions ... ---------------------------------------- Hardware: --------- The demonstration release of Faast-3 (release 3.3L) requires your computer to have a processor which is compatible with a 386, or higher, at least 2 Megabytes of memory, and a hard-disk with at least 5 Megabytes of available space. Faast-3, release 3.3L, may be used with both color and monochrome video. Operating Systems: ------------------ Faast-3, release 3.3L, may be installed for MS-DOS, PC-DOS, MS-Windows 3.x, and Win-95/98/XP (and other systems - such as OS/2 - at your own risk). Due to a known conflict, this release will not operate under Windows-NT4. A separate release (3.3M) is available for use on NT4. When using any version of Windows, you have the choice of running Faast-3 from an icon, from the "Run" command line window, from a MS-DOS window, or from a regular Dos prompt. Distribution over Internet: --------------------------- The demonstration version may be sent to you by internet email, or downloaded by you from our web page. Installation Files: ------------------- Faast-3 is installed from a "self-extracting", compressed library file, called FST3DEMO.EXE, delivered as a file which may be "emailed" or "downloaded" over the internet. When "run", the installation file expands and creates certain files on your currently active hard disk directory. These files can also be individually extracted with the popular "PKUNZIP" utility program, if it were necessary to reinstall a single file. In the discussions which follow, the symbol [return] or [enter] means you should press the CARRIAGE RETURN key, which may be labeled RETURN or ENTER or labeled with a cryptic arrow, depending on your keyboard. Need help? Call, write, or email to us at ... Email support@faast.com. Telephone 925-381-8057 (California time = Greenwich -8) Write Faast Software, 3062 East Avenue, Livermore CA 94550 USA Installation & Getting Started Instructions, page 2. II. Create a Target Directory or Folder for Faast ... ------------------------------------------------------ Create a separate directory (or "folder") for the Faast system. We suggest using: C:\FAAST3 as the target location. The Windows ".PIF" and ".GRP" files are pre-configured for this working directory. If you are going to install the Windows icon, it is important that you use this location, or be willing to edit the ".PIF" and ".GRP" files to use a different location (instructions for editing the PIF and GRP files are on page 4 under "Installing a Windows Icon"). Creating directories (or folders) is done with the Dos MKDIR command at the Dos prompt, or with the "Create Directory ..." option in the Windows 3.x File Manager "FILE" menu. To make a first-level directory (folder) called FAAST3 at the Dos prompt or Windows' "FILE/RUN" command line, type this: MKDIR C:\FAAST3 [return], or in the Windows "FILE/Create Directory ..." dialog box, type: C:\FAAST3 [return]. Then designate this directory (folder) to be your current, active directory by using the Dos CD command, or by using "File Manager" in Windows 3.x or the "My Computer" screen in Win-95/98/XP. Faast-3 program files are installed onto your active disk and directory (folder), so verify that you are "in" the correct directory. In Windows, use FILE MANAGER to verify the active folder. You may also use the Dos DIR command. Both will display the current drive and directory name, plus any file names in that directory. A newly created directory should show only the entries "." and ".." in the DIR command display, but usually nothing in Windows' File Manager display. If you need more information on how to make or change directories, please refer to your computer's operating system reference manuals. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, page 3. III. Installing Faast ... ------------------------- A. All files are installed to your current drive and directory (folder), therefore your hard disk and desired directory must be the currently active drive and directory at the time of installation. The installation program will extract and copy the demo release files to your currently active hard disk directory. You will be prompted to over- write any conflicting existing files. Look at the file list below, and move any conflicting files to another folder before installing. If installing from within Windows, the compressed library installation file must be located in the target directory or folder. If this file is not in the target directory, move or copy it from its current location (e.g. your internet folder) to the target directory before installing. Use the Windows File Manager or "My Computer" screen, or the MS-DOS window to move or copy the installation file to the target directory. B. IF INSTALLING FROM DOS, go to step D.1. below. C. IF USING WINDOWS, you have a variety of choices: you may exit from Windows, or obtain the "FILE/RUN ..." dialog box (Win-3.x) or obtain the Dos prompt from the MS-DOS icon within the MAIN window (Win-3.x) or from the "Start" menu (Win-9x/XP). Windows users may alternately select and run the install program from the Windows "File Manager" or "My Computer" screen, as in step D.2. below. D. Do ONE of the following ... 1. Using the DOS prompt (or Windows RUN dialog box, or MS-DOS Window) execute the install program by using its file name as a command. If installing from a secondary disk, use the disk drive letter (D:, E: or whatever) in the command. If installing from your main hard disk target directory, you may omit the drive symbol (C:) from the command. To install, type: C:FST3DEMO [return]. 2. Alternately use the Windows "File Manager" or "My Computer" screen to select the file FST3DEMO.EXE and press [enter], or double-click the file name icon. To use this method, the installation file icon must be in the target (C:\FAAST3) directory, not on secondary disk. The following files should now reside on your hard disk directory: File Purpose --------------------------- FAAST3.EXE Executable program image file, F3LICENS.VAL License validation file, F3HELP.HLP Help message text file (new with each release), FAAST3.GRP Windows "Faast3 Group info file" (used by Windows-3 only), FAAST3.PIF Windows "Program Info File" (used by Windows-3/-9x/XP), F3-DEMO.CMD Demonstration sample problem data file, with graphics, C1.CMD Sample pipe problem data file, C2.CMD Sample pump problem data file, C3.CMD Sample pressure reducing valve data file, C4.CMD Sample sprinkler data file, INSTALL.TXT This file (which may be viewed and/or printed), FST3DEMO.EXE Download demo release compressed library file. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, Page 4. IV. Installing a Windows Icon for Faast ... -------------------------------------------- If you are not using Windows, skip this section and go to Page 5, "Running ..." Windows users have a choice of running Faast from a DOS-prompt or from an icon. If you do not wish to install the Windows icon, skip this section and go to Page 5, "Running ..." To run Faast-3 from a Windows 3.x icon, several steps are required to install the icon. In addition, using a Windows 3.x/-9x/XP icon requires that the drive and folder location of the Faast-3 files be precise and consistent in several places in the Windows setup information. The following instructions have been tested on a variety of Windows versions. A. If using Win-9x/XP go to step B, below. For Win-3.x (not -9x/XP) do these steps: 1. In PROGRAM MANAGER go to the FILE menu, and choose NEW. 2. In the "New Program Object" dialog box, choose "Program Group." 3. In the "Program Group Properties" dialog box, skip the "Description" box, go to the "Group File" box. In this box, type the actual drive and directory path for your Faast-3 program files. If using the standard drive\directory, type the line below (if using a different drive\directory, change the drive\directory information as necessary) ... C:\FAAST3\FAAST3.GRP 4. Select OK. If you are using C:\FAAST3 as your drive and directory, you are now done installing the Faast3 icon, go to Step C, below. If you are using a drive\directory other than C:\FAAST3, make three more changes: a. Edit the FAAST3.PIF file to show the actual drive\folder you are using. To do this, go to the Windows MAIN screen and select the PIF EDITOR. Use the FILE menu to Open the drive\directory that contains your Faast files, then Open the FAAST3.PIF file. Change the "Start-up Directory" box to your actual drive\directory. Do not change other properties. Save, then Exit from PIF EDITOR. b. In the Windows PROGRAM MANAGER, select the Faast3 Group, (click it once with your mouse) but do not open it. Go to FILE and choose Properties. Verify it shows the correct Group File location. If wrong, fix it. c. Now open the Faast-3 Group. Highlight the icon for Faast-3 (if it is not already) but do not run the program. Go to FILE and choose Properties. Change the "Working Directory" box to show the correct drive and directory for Faast3. Go to Step C. B. For Windows-9x/XP (not 3.x) do this: If you are using C:\FAAST3 as your drive\folder, you have nothing to change, go to Step C, below. If you are using a drive\folder other than C:\FAAST3 then you must change the .PIF file "Properties" (for Win-9x/XP the group file is not used). In the "My Computer" screen, highlight the icon for FAAST3.PIF but do not run the program. Go to FILE and choose PROPERTIES. Change the "Start-up Directory" and the "Working Directory" boxes to show the correct drive and folder for Faast3. Avoid changing other properties. Click SAVE then click EXIT. Now, Go to Step C, below. C. For Both Windows 3.x and -9x/XP: When the Group file, PIF file, and program icon all agree as to the drive and directory (folder) for Faast and its files, you may run Faast-3 from an icon. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, Page 5 V. Running Faast-3 with the Demonstration Problem ... ------------------------------------------------------- Faast-3 may be run from either the Dos prompt (from Dos itself or within Windows), or from a Windows icon. Do ONE of the following ... A. Running Faast-3 from the DOS prompt ... 1. If necessary, "change directory" to the Faast-3 directory. 2. When in the correct directory, type the following command at the DOS prompt ... FAAST3 READ F3-DEMO [enter]. Faast-3 should begin running, display a sign-on message and then read the demonstration data file. Go to page 6. B. Running Faast-3 from Windows without an icon: Faast-3 has been run on several versions of Windows, but if you have not installed the icon (described earlier), you must first obtain a DOS prompt, or open a DOS- prompt window. There are three ways to do this. With the first 2 methods (below), Faast has full control over the video system and all graphics work correctly. 1. (Windows 3.x only) From the Program Manager screen select the File menu, choose RUN, and type the command line (step A.2. above) to execute Faast-3. The Windows display will disappear and Faast-3 will execute. 2. (Both Windows 3.x and Windows 9x/XP) Go to the Program Manager/Main screen (Windows-9x/XP "Start" menu), then double-click on the MS-DOS icon. The Windows display is removed from the screen and a conven- tional DOS prompt appears. Type the command line (step A.2. above) to execute Faast-3. 3. (Both Windows 3.x and -9x/XP) Go to the Program Manager/Main screen (Windows-9x/XP "Start" menu), then double-click on the MS-DOS icon. The Windows display is removed from the screen and a conven- tional DOS prompt appears. Type ALT-ENTER (that is, hold the ALT key and press ENTER key). A window labeled MS-DOS Prompt appears. Other icons and data remain on the screen. Type the command line (step A.2. above) to run Faast-3. However, Faast-3 does not have full control of the video system. If you do a text-only session, it will run normally, but errors may occur if Faast-3 attempts to do video graphics when running within Windows 3.x in this manner. Windows 9x/XP will allow graphics, but the graphics screen may not refresh correctly when using GIN. mode for graphic input to CENTER or ZOOM. In all cases, return to Windows by typing EXIT after the Faast-3 session. C. Running Faast-3 from a Windows icon (do whichever of 1. or 2. applies): 1. (Windows 3.x) First go to PROGRAM MANAGER, then select the Faast3 Group, and within it select the Faast-3 program icon. Go to 3. 2. (Windows-9x/XP) First select the Faast folder (usually from the "My Computer" screen), then select the Faast-3 program icon. 3. (Both Windows 3.x and Windows 9x/XP) Faast-3 should begin running, display a sign-on message and then prompt you for a command ( Command ? ). At the Faast command prompt type the following ... READ F3-DEMO [enter]. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, Page 6 Regardless of how you execute Faast-3, it should read and solve the demonstration problem, draw a screen-graphic of the test problem model with pressure contours, and write a plot file. If you saw an error message concerning "DOS-Extender", or nothing happened, contact us by email (include your operating system version). When Faast is waiting for keyboard input of a command, it will prompt: COMMAND ? If Faast should be reading a data file, but it could not find the data file, you will see a different prompt: FILE ? If you get this prompt, try typing the file name again (you may have typed it wrong the first time). If you still get the FILE ? prompt, press [enter] or [return] to clear the prompt, then at the COMMAND ? prompt, type the "dir" command, followed by [enter] or [return] to see if the data file is on disk. If it is not, exit from Faast with the "end" command and rectify the missing file problem. When Faast finds the demo data file, it should read and solve the demo problem, draw a screen-graphic of the test problem model with pressure contours, and write a plot file. For screen graphics, Faast should auto- matically detect what kind of video system you are using (color, mono- chrome, or both), and configure itself accordingly. Also in your Faast hard disk directory are several sample data sets, contained in files with names like C1.CMD, which you may run and study. Refer to the list of files on page 3. Windows users: -------------- When running Faast from the icon, Faast leaves its final messages on the screen in an inactive window so that you may read those messages after the session. The messages include the names of files which were created during the session. You may minimize, close and/or exit this inactive window at your pleasure. Important: ---------- After installation, testing, and configuration, you should make the Faast-3 program, configuration, and help files "Read-Only" by using the Dos ATTRIB command (with the +r option) or the Windows "file properties" menu. Then make back-up copies of the as-installed files. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, Page 7 VI. Understanding the Demonstration Problem ... ------------------------------------------------ The demonstration problem you just ran illustrates many features of Faast-3. Following is the text of that data file, with some notes on what the modeling commands do. To fully understand the Faast modeling language, you should refer to the Faast-3 Reference Manual or the short-form reference card while studying Faast-3 data files. You may also read the command descriptions with the on-line HELP command. setup on=echo, scroll=120 jobtitle SAMPLE PIPE SYSTEM C-1 (with coordinates & contour plot) PARAMETERS 15 15 FILE RESULTS SINGLE FILE LIST SINGLE CASE 1 INITIAL CONFIGURATION , INPUT UNITS The first command above sets some parameters: to echo commands, and to allow 120 lines of program output to the screen before pausing for user action. The second command provides a model or job title. The third command defines the maximum model size (maximum numbers of nodes and elements). Then two commands set both parts of the print file to be single spaced. The last command above states that input for a new case is to begin, and gives the case a title. C C COORDINATES FOR ALL NODES, IN X, Y, Z ORDER, WHERE Z = ELEVATION C COORDINATE 1 0 1000 2100 2 500 1000 2050 3 1000 1000 2000 4 1500 1000 1950 5 500 500 2000 6 1000 500 1950 7 1400 500 1900 8 500 0 1950 9 1000 0 1900 10 1400 400 1850 11 2500 400 1800 These commands define node coordinates, X, Y, Z, as noted in the com- ments. The Z coordinate is the only one required, and may be separ- ately input with hydraulic information. X and Y are needed only for graphics purposes. C C NODAL BOUNDARY VALUES FOR ALL NODES, SAME AS IN FAAST-II C HEAD 1 2120 FLOW 2 -3 FLOW 3 -4 FLOW 4 -5 FLOW 5 -5 FLOW 6 -6 FLOW 7 -5 FLOW 8 -5 FLOW 9 -4 FLOW 10 -3 HEAD 11 1820 The above commands define node hydraulic boundary values, either fixed flow into or out of the system - or none, or fixed fluid energy at a node - such as at a reservoir, tank, or well. Fixed energy may be ex- pressed either as pressure or as head. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, Page 8 Nodes with unspecified boundary values default to zero flow into or out of the system (a zero "demand") at that node. NEWPAGE PIPE 1 1 2 500 6 140 PIPE 2 2 3 500 6 140 PIPE 3 3 4 700 6 140 PIPE 4 2 5 800 6 140 PIPE 5 3 6 700 4 140 PIPE 6 4 7 1000 6 140 PIPE 7 5 6 600 4 140 PIPE 8 6 7 400 4 140 PIPE 9 5 8 800 6 140 PIPE 10 6 9 1000 4 140 PIPE 11 7 10 100 6 140 PIPE 12 8 9 900 6 140 PIPE 13 9 10 800 6 140 PIPE 14 10 11 1500 6 140 SOLVE The commands just above first start a new page in the print file, followed by input for all the pipes in the model. The last line starts the numeric solution process. The commands below are preceded by explanatory comments. C +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A VIEW will be produced, using AUTOMATIC MONITOR DETECTION. If you | | DO NOT see a graphic image, press the [RETURN] or [ENTER] key and | | use MANUAL MONITOR SELECTION, with the VIEW command "MON= " option. | | The HELP command can show you how manual monitor selection works, | | if you want to find out, type HELP VIEW | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ VIEW ON=plot,HCON CONLO=1830 CONHI=2100 CONINT=40 ZONE=1 COLOR=3,4 c +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Following is a display of results, suitable for you to use in making | | interactive design changes. The command which does this is ... | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ whats element results 1 > 15 c +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | enter the READ command at the prompt below to get a display of | | node results (pressures and HGLs) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ return c the command to display node results, including demands ( - flows) is ... whats node results 1 > 15 c +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | To browse the commands, type HELP , or you may explore the graphics | | with the VIEW command. To END the session, enter the END command. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ setup off=echo scroll=25 return The last command above returns program control from the data file to the interactive keyboard. Installation & Getting Started Instructions, page 9. VII. Viewing and/or Printing your Faast results ... --------------------------------------------------- You can view and/or print your results in several ways, during and/or after a session. During a Faast-3 Session: ------------------------- During a Faast-3 session you may use several commands to examine the computational results. 1. Use the WHATS NODE RESULTS and WHATS ELEMENT RESULTS commands to interactively examine node and element results. With each of the above commands you must specify a list of 1 or more node or element numbers to be examined, or a range in the form of "n > m", where there are space characters before and after the arrow character ( > ). The arrow character by itself means the entire model. For example, type: WHATS NODE RESULTS 1 > 15 [enter] 2. Use the SHOW command to see the equivalent of a printout of various results. There are a number of SHOW options, including: SHOW CONNECTIONS shows how nodes are connected to each other and by which elements. SHOW COORDINATES tabulates coordinates of nodes SHOW FILES lists files currently in use by Faast SHOW FRACTIONS tabulates source contribution fluid fractions by nodes and elements. SHOW LINKS lists control system links currently defined SHOW PROPERTIES tabulates pipe properties SHOW SPARES lists spare node and element numbers (those node and element numbers which are not in use) SHOW SUMMARY summarizes model statistics and power consumption SHOW UNITS tabulates unit-of-measurement names and conversion factors for them. Some of these commands may not be available on some demonstration releases. Find out more about using these commands with the HELP command. For example, within Faast-3 you may type: HELP WHATS [enter] to get a display of what the WHATS command does and how to use it. After a session: ---------------- Faast-3 produces a "plain-text ASCII" printable disk file which contains a recap listing of model input and tabulations of results. After a session you may view and/or print this file. The printable file contains page eject characters at the appropriate locations. View the print file by using the MS-Dos TYPE command, or a general purpose editing program, such as the MS-Dos editors EDIT or EDLIN, or a word processing program such as WordStar, WordPerfect, or Word. You may also use the Windows "Notepad" editor to view the print file. You may print the Faast print file using MS-Dos utility programs such as COPY or PRINT, or with the Windows FILE PRINT dialog box. Faast print files have printer control characters, and therefore many word-processing programs will probably NOT print them correctly. Use of DOS and Windows utilities is discussed in your computer system manuals. # # #